
Aaron Nowosz
I am an energy healing, tantra and bodywork practitioner. I love to experience everything on myself. From a young age I had a contact with spiritual practices and extrasensory perception of reality. At the age of 17, I experienced a spontaneous initiation of laying on of hands during a spiritual practice of Latihan Kejiwaan. I felt light flowing through me and going out through my hands and when I asked, if I can share this light with others, I’ve heard the answer “Yes”. Since then I have shared this gift with many other people helping them to get into balance and receive healing
My path leads through many “lands”. I have been on the tantric path for over 5 years now and have been running transformational workshops in tantra, shamanism, energy work and sexuality field. Remembering that the Source is only one and everything comes from there.
I started holding men’s circles for a couple of years at the invitation of one of my teachers. I felt the value and power they have, for me and for the participants. I also saw how much authentic, heartfelt and non-competitive relationships between men are needed.
This is where the Men’s Medicine project and a festival came from.
I feel deep passion for exploring new paths in life and living to the fullest of my potential. My personal path leads through, both light and shadow, as for any human being I had to work (and still working) on my own ancestral and family patterns. This doesn’t change the fact that I love to help others, serve and assist in their path to healing and self-knowledge. My deepest dream is to see the Earth in love, peace and harmony
Privately, I love to play, sing, travel and explore. Both the physical and spiritual world.
I am the father of a three-year-old daughter, Róża, who is for me, by far, the greatest teacher of love and humility.
Facilitator from the Art of Love School.
Practitioner of tantric body and breath work from Paths of Transformation and True Tantra School.
Founder of the Men’s Medicine project.
Reiki teacher.
“When there is no goal, then all paths are opening up “

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